Design Events – Front-End Conference 2016 Zurich – My Takeovers


A UX Designer joining a “Front-End” conference is like a motorbike rider joining a gathering of bike riders. Both the motorcyclist and the cyclist wish to drive a handy and fancy vehicle which is also safe during the bends and stable when braking. What I bring home from the front-end conference in 2016 in Zurich is a strong feeling that developers, designers, project managers and unicorns chase each other in order to design and implement a smooth and frictionless user experience.

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Design Patterns – Zero results page, a fresh restart for a great User eXperience

How can we help users to restart their journey from the Zero results page (aka ZRP)? Like in “real life”, it’s not so easy to find what we’re looking for. When we get lost and/or perform wrong actions, it’s common to have the “dead spot” syndrome.


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Design Patterns – Seamless user experience in web forms, is it possible?

Continue reading Design Patterns – Seamless user experience in web forms, is it possible?

Background Tasks: how to improve the user experience?

Continue reading Background Tasks: how to improve the user experience?