TLDR – Transform my career in 2024: Three things I need to improve

This post is about things I need to improve during 2024. I wanna work on being better at delegating, planning, and making sure the experience design team is delivering a design that unlocks business value.

A few weeks ago, I posted about my design career and my first year as Global Head of Experience Design at Vorwerk International.

When I shared my post on LinkedIn, I received questions about what could have gone better. It made me realise there’s no rose without thorns and invited me to reflect on the bumps in the road of my first year in this new role.

Here are three things that didn’t work out for me during my first 365 days as Global Head of Experience at Vorwerk International.


Design career – Global Head of Experience Design

As my design career stepped into the Global Head of Experience Design role, I realised the incredible impact this type of position can have on a designer. Through my reflections, I identified three key highlights that showcase the transformative power of this role: achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life, elevating the visibility of design practices in corporate environments, and boldly confronting issues related to toxic positivity. These highlights remind me of the endless potential for growth and positive change that comes with taking on new challenges.

Continue reading Design career – Global Head of Experience Design

Collaboration model, the ultimate toolkit to succed – PART TWO

The Formula 1 championship is one of the most fiercely competitive sports worldwide. To get the final victory teams engage in neck-and-neck battles. To be successful, these teams are built on a robust and hyper-efficient collaboration model. For instance, when it’s time for the pit stop, every millisecond counts. The team must interact efficiently with a robust and efficient toolkit.

“Aerodynamics are for those who can’t build engines”

Enzo Ferrari
Continue reading Collaboration model, the ultimate toolkit to succed – PART TWO

Collaboration model, the ultimate toolkit to succeed – PART ONE

The collaboration model is vital to organizations delivering digital experiences that unlock business value.

“Groups of people apply a Collaboration Model to communicate, collaborate and coordinate to get activities done.”
Continue reading Collaboration model, the ultimate toolkit to succeed – PART ONE

Rebranding projects to unlock business value.

Rebranding projects are much more than facelift exercises. As with any design project, they can significantly benefit the business strategy.

Executing a rebranding initiative demands meticulous preparation, a substantial investment, and accurate comprehension of the potential ROI. The risks and benefits of a rebranding project must be carefully evaluated. Organisations can easily stumble into unexpected complexity when facing these projects. The delta between PROs and CONs can create critical friction between business departments and overcast the expected return on investment (ROI).

According to my experience, when a rebranding project starts, the collaboration between departments is crucial to list all the problems and focus on what will unleash more business potential. Afterwards, the coordination among departments concerning its implementation can make a difference in determining its success.

I’ve listed the topics that can help evaluate the risk of embarking on a rebranding project and better foresee the business value it could unlock for the organisation.

Continue reading Rebranding projects to unlock business value.