Product Design – The User-Centric Language

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Product Design – How fintech products, as the mortgages, are fitting the online market rules?

88% of loan officers said that referrals from current clients are one of their most successful marketing tactics for the financial products as the mortgages

How fintech products, as the mortgages, are fitting the online market rules?

Fintech products are very far from being up-to-date with the online marketing strategies. Compared to other sectors, there’s a lot of room for improvements and developments regarding the way how the products (eg the mortgages) are promoted and sold by the financial players

The full article is available here:


Design Journey – Designer Logbook 2017

In 2017, I was run over by a biker and built a design system. This is the 2017 logbook in a nutshell…

Continue reading Design Journey – Designer Logbook 2017

Product Design – How can design patterns boost the Financial Inclusion?

How can design patterns boost the Financial Inclusion?

The onboarding process it will be the key feature to boost the Financial inclusion

With almost the 40% of the adults without any bank account, the onboarding process will be the key factor for the next generation of fintech products to boost the financial inclusion.

The design patterns we will apply to provide this user experience definitely will be the silver bullet for the success of the product itself.


Designer Logbook 2016

A short retrospective

This is my 2016 designer logbook. Last year, I embarked on an exciting journey into designing digital experiences within the financial sector. So far, it has been a thrilling adventure that has opened up new career opportunities for me in the Fin-Tech industry.

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